Mobina Riazi
Mobina is a Hoover Student Fellow at Stanford University, where she is completing her MA in Communication with honors and a BA in Political Science with a focus on Political Economy and Data Science, and a minor in Iranian Studies. Her research leverages computational methods to explore the intersections of ethics, technology, domestic policy, and international security. Her honors thesis project, "Digital Morality Police" employs web-scraping software to analyze misinformation spread by the Iranian government, proposing improvements to Meta's Community Guidelines regarding freedom of speech and religious propaganda. She previously interned with Senator Dianne Feinstein, addressing key issues like the Tijuana River Sewage crisis and local homelessness. Since moving from Iran in 2011, Mobina has been passionate about reconnecting with her roots and using her position to advocate for the liberation of Iran. In fact, one of Mobina Riazi's main reasons for choosing to attend Stanford was its renowned Iranian Studies department. As a minor student, she's has explored everything from Iranian poetry with Shervin Emami to the rich history of Iranian cinema with Bahram Beyzaie, and contemporary Iranian art with Ala Ebtekar. Mobina has also had the chance to assist Dr. Abbas Milani with his archival research on Reza Shah. She's grateful to be part of a vibrant department that not only celebrates Iranian culture but is actively initiating scholarly discussions aimed at envisioning a free Iran.