Mustafa Tikka (2021)
Mustafa Tikka (‘21) majored in International Relations with minors in Political Science, History, and Iranian Studies (Global Studies).
“I majored in International Relations, focusing on the Kashmir conflict in my IR undergraduate honors thesis - drawing a policy framework to alleviate the situation. To understand the interdisciplinary elements of the field better, I pursued minors in Political Science, History, and Global Studies' Iranian Studies Sub plan. These individual programs built on each other as supporting elements to aid my understanding of International Relations. The Global Studies minor, however, directed my focus towards Iran, commencing my study and research of Middle Eastern and South Asian countries. Therefore, while International Relations, Political Science, and History formed interrelated study pathways to help me concretely conceptualize the interdisciplinary realm of my studies, Iranian Studies prepared me for my future research into the political states of the Islamic Republics.”